Well, yeah, generally a five pound mass (think, size of a melon) doesn't show up overnight. I might roll my eyes a bit.
Have a little faith in my professionalism. Intentionally lying, telling me it grew that fast will not make me treat you or your pet any differently. Neither will telling me you have been watching the mass grow for the last few months because you couldn't afford to bring it in, or you took the ostrich approach and hoped it would go away. We need to deal with the issue as it is today, and I for one will not waste time leveling a guilt complex on you.
Having said that- folks, most issues do start small. Then they get big. Some get so big they can no longer be fixed. Trust us- the small issues, brought up early, allow us time to fix things at less expense than trying to salvage something when the problem is huge. In other words- it's easier to remove a mass the size of a pea, or even a lemon, than one the size of a melon.
Enjoy your pets!
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