Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Secret #35- Thank you!

My comments on Reader's Digest article "50 Secrets Your Vet Won't Tell You"

"Most vets put themselves through 8 to 12 years of school and have huge student debts. We love animals and want to help them. Most of us start our day early, finish late, and are available for emergencies."

Yep. This runs with the other overworked, underpaid- feeling posts on the list of 50.

We love pets. We love their people. We get really tired of feeling that our efforts do not get recognized.

Don't get me wrong- many of you take a moment to thank us for our time and work- and we really appreciate that. Some of you send us cards- we love that. Some send cookies- our staff members really love that.

There are those who don't seem to appreciate us. There are even some who (gasp) think that we're in it for the money. This makes us sad and defensive, hence the plethora of "secrets" along this line in the article. We try our best, just like I presume you do at your job. We like to be liked, and we want everyone to understand just how hard we have worked to get where we are, and how hard we continue to work to help your pets be healthy.

So here's a proposal: say thanks to your vet.  Take it a step further, even. Say thanks to everyone who earns a paycheck doing something that helps you, some of whom also may feel underpaid and under appreciated. Remember those random acts could really make someone's day!

Enjoy your pets!

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