My comments on Reader's Digest article "50 Secrets Your Vet Won't Tell You"
"No regulation says vets have to check certain lists before they euthanize an animal, and lots of vets still do convenience euthanasia for owners who prefer the easy way out. We see alot of euthanasia in November and December, just because people are getting ready for the holidays. I refuse to do it."
Convenience euthanasia sucks. Basically, this is when someone decides that the pet they have is no longer "convenient" to have around and opt for euthanasia. Yes, it happens. No, there is no checklist or governing body that oversees each euthanasia we perform (what a job that would be- ugh).
But there is such a thing as conscience. We use it every day. I would venture to guess that most vets prefer life to death, and most will refuse to euthanize a perfectly healthy pet for the owner's convenience.
Interestingly, this comes up occasionally when an owner dies and has left instructions that the pets be euthanized as well, since apparently the owner feels that no one else is capable of caring for the pets. Each vet has to make the decision for him or herself, and abide by his or her conscience.
If the vets refuse to euthanize, I would bet that many of these pets end up in shelters. Does that mean we are just passing the buck?
Let me be clear- I do not euthanize healthy animals for the convenience of people.
I do euthanize animals with health problems (or in some cases, behavior problems) that have become too much for their people to handle. I will not allow a pet to live in misery if I can help it. I will not leave a pet that is dangerous able to hurt more people or other animals.
Holiday cleaning house- I admit, some joke about how we seem to see an increase in euthanasia certain times of the year. I have never actually tracked numbers to see if it really happens. It might be like saying the crazies all come out with the full moon....I just don't know.
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