Friday, July 20, 2012

secret #20- study in the sun

My comments on Reader's Digest article "50 Secrets Your Vet Won't Tell You"

"Your vet may not have gotten into vet school! Vets who can't get into traditional U.S. veterinary programs due to bad grades and poor test scores often go to for-profit schools in the Caribbean, where, basically, if you can pay the tuition, you get in."

So not true!  (Yes- bold, italic, underline, exclamation point)

I cannot emphasize this enough- your vet, every vet practicing in the U.S. did go to vet school.

It is possible that he or she did not go to vet school in the continental United States. Some people get their graduate degree elsewhere. But to practice veterinary medicine in the U.S., they must pass the same national licensing (boards) examination I did. In fact, vets who attended oversees schools generally have to pass other tests before being licensed here, as well. They may have to spend some time in an internship-type role before  they are allowed to practice.

I work with a vet who attended a vet school in the Caribbean. This is a school that is certified by the ruling body in the States. She had to have excellent grades and test scores (GRE, MCAT) to get in. She finished with a year at a state-side teaching vet hospital associated with a large university. She is one of the best vets I have had the pleasure to work with.

Can you tell I'm a bit aggravated?

Look, there are very few vet schools in the U.S. (fewer than one per state), as opposed to the multitude of human medical schools.  Traditionally, there are as many as 4 or more applicants for each "seat" available in an entering class of vet wanna-be's. Other countries- including England- have opened up some seats at their schools for students from the U.S. Are they more expensive? Frequently, yes. Are they of poorer quality- no. Are they really vet schools, as the writer of the above comment seems to be questioning- YES!

So, no worries. If your vet is licensed in your state, you can rest assured that he or she did indeed go to vet school. Ask which one- we usually like talking about our alma maters.  (By the way, Go Buckeyes!)

Enjoy your pets!

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